Kara (Rainbow’s Control):* sighs* Ugh. Alright alright. Happy Valentine’s Day* The dragon girl sighed, holding out a heart shaped box

Kara (Rainbow Control):* She blinked in surprise upon hearing what Chloe was telling her about second chances, she was about to fly to follow Chloe, wanting to stop her before feeling Kara’s spirit holding her back as she glances at her partner* You two are too kind to me. You know that? Kara: (Somebody has to be!) *She exclaimed internally, giggling *

@NeoSyber6 Chloe: Ever heard of second chances ? I believe that no matter the circumstances, there should always be a second chance for anyone *She said smiling as she then opens up her wings and flies to find the goddess*

@ReaderGodzilla Kara (Rainbow’s Control): You sure about that? Chloe? you really don’t have to* She injects, perking up and sounding a bit surprised from hearing Chloe make that suggestion,still feeling Quetzalcoatl probably didn’t want much to do with her right now*