
Kind of been thinking about possibly leaving Watpad at some point, Not now, of course, I’m still going to keep showing for now but I mean eventually, somewhere down the line
          	I don’t know if anyone has felt like things haven’t really felt as fun to do stuff here as it use to, the app feels more dead now at times, Could be wanting to move on from the site, busy and/or because of how poor Wattpad’s been handling their stuff, (specially lately). Could be a mix of all that. I’m still trying to stay here  for a little longer and try make some fun out of things here but the drive for some of it’s kind of been on the down low for sometime but it’s still here for now at least
          	Just let you all know. Still sticking with you right now and I appreciate  you. Just wanted to get this off my chest


Yeah, though like I said, I’m not quitting  on Wattpad right this second but the thought has been on my mind about it happening eventually


@NeoSyber6 I guess you only have YouTube for content and your other socials for art


Kind of been thinking about possibly leaving Watpad at some point, Not now, of course, I’m still going to keep showing for now but I mean eventually, somewhere down the line
          I don’t know if anyone has felt like things haven’t really felt as fun to do stuff here as it use to, the app feels more dead now at times, Could be wanting to move on from the site, busy and/or because of how poor Wattpad’s been handling their stuff, (specially lately). Could be a mix of all that. I’m still trying to stay here  for a little longer and try make some fun out of things here but the drive for some of it’s kind of been on the down low for sometime but it’s still here for now at least
          Just let you all know. Still sticking with you right now and I appreciate  you. Just wanted to get this off my chest


Yeah, though like I said, I’m not quitting  on Wattpad right this second but the thought has been on my mind about it happening eventually


@NeoSyber6 I guess you only have YouTube for content and your other socials for art


So considering the fact that it seems like Wattpad is about to scrub the PMS off of the platform (I swear they keep making the dumbest decisions on this app…)
          Here’s my Discord handle, Neosgamer04.
          You can find me there if anybody feels like chatting. So let’s at least try make something good out of this situation 


@ElijahTucker124 Yeah apparently, not sure why though


Serena * She was hanging upside down from a bar,dawning a pink and black witch costume while she was waving around a wand and cackling maniacally* Happy Halloween!  And to all an amazing fright night!* She exclaimed while putting on a bit of a raspy and comical voice,selling the fact that was pretending to be a witch while a bunch of ghosts surrounded the roo,possessing every inanimate object in sight*
          Turbo:I'mma keep it a buck with you, dude, I don't think we should have gave her those spell books for her birthday...* He said while shivering up a bit as he was wearing a zombie cowboy outfit*
          Zeke:Y-Yeah,Noted....*He shutters,sweating nervously behind the mask of his cat solider costume*


@ReaderGodzilla Happy Halloween to you too! And yep, all in the name of the spooky season 


@NeoSyber6 Happy Halloween ! Also damn, she's energetic 