
Prologue of my new story 'The Demon's Bullet' is now up c: feedback would be nice.


Would anyone like to help give me an idea on what to do for a new book cover? I have an idea and summary typed out, I just don't really know what to do for a cover. It would be much appreciated c:


@UnoticedFangirl @AnimeBishGirl Someone helped come up with a design and I drew it digitally so I have it now. Thank you though!


@NeonBen ya do what she says i do the same


Happy Birthday!! I'm just a reader and I follow you and Alex. He said your birthday is today so HAPPY BIRTHDAYY!!


@camibear759 It's okay lol no worries


@camibear759 Wrong person haha It was Toby's birthday yesterday lol I'm his brother Neon Toby's account is @ALEXxTOBY they share it 


Look, I know I'm not the best person, and I'm terrible at socializing and being a friend, but that doesn't mean you should bully me or others. I'm trying so hard to be likable and it's getting me nowhere. If you see someone like me, don't pretend to like them but don't bully them either. It feel awful and it makes me feel I will never have more than at least two friends. My best friend at school has autism, not that I care, he's an amazing person and that doesn't change him. But people like to tease me for being me and also being friends with him. That's not okay. Tease me all you want, I'll deal with it later. But don't bring someone who is so amazing and talented down. If you see someone being bullied please stand up for them. I might not be like I am now if I had someone stand up for me. I'm saying this because I have to go back to school tomorrow and deal with all this. It sucks. Stop bullying and stop watching it happen.


@NeonBen We're all here for you. I give you permission to kick some ass if needed. Obviously, Jeff talking to the principal isn't enough.


@NeonBen I'm sorry that you have to go through that. I wish the world was different and that bullying didn't happen at all. You are strong and I bet your friend is too. I hope tomorrow goes well and doesn't suck. If you ever wanna talk, I'm open to listening 


@NeonBen I agree whole-heartedly on what you said. I wish bullying wasn't a thing in the first place, but you can always make it less of an issuse if the bullier sees that someone isn't going to stand for what they are doing to the bullied. I hope that tomorrow at school will be alright and if you ever, no matter what, need someone, then know that I am forever here for you.


My brother @ALEXxTOBY posted on his wall about needing help. We do. We need as many people with social media, mainly twitter and Instagram, to share something once it's made. It's a huge deal to us and we're hoping to get it shared enough where the people it's made for see it. Please help us out and for more details message @ALEXxTOBY or comment on his wall. Thank you  
          Sorry about not being on. I had a lot of stuff that I needed to sort out.