URGENT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No Scrubs is being deleted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But don't worry, the book would be moved to mine(ON3PI3C3) account due to the fact that Stupis-WaffleDx is to busy to continue the story and since the book was originally my idea with me listening to much of the song No Scrubs by TLC, we decided to just give the book back to me. Yes, it might be some time before i post on it when it on my account do to the fact i have to post some other books first but please be patient. You don't have to fan my other account, i'm just letting you know what is going on, but if you are a fan of this account rest assured you dont have to delete if you don't want to since where keeping this up for right now in cases we want to post something else. If you have questions feel free to message us but remember you message on here, you will not get a fast reply since i(don't know about Stupis) is hooked up on another account so i don't see the messages i get :D The book will only be up for a couple weeks so be prepared. I'm moving it over to my other account now though thanks :D ON3PI3C3