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Ok... this is getting ridiculous. I found myself trying to write some of my old stories and found myself struggling, i asked a friend to help me out and he said." Make a new story to inspire yourself." And you know what... fuck it, im making a new story or stories none the less. Where its either Fate grand order where the chaldea watches shirou and his adventures( anime, movies, ect ). (Ps: im kinda behind on the story since its been so long so to anyone who wants to help me point out some pointers, feel free to let me know.) Jaune arc travels the world of Orario from danmachi.(gonna use the plot where he fell.) Or maybe doing it to Shirou Emiya as well and maybe make a highschool DxD one as well. A genshin impact story where the cast watches Aether and his journeys of teyvat.( this on is gonna be a pain in the ass. Im about to watch so much videos of the story and ect, since ive forgot some of them also gonna include the events as well.) Or where Aether gets betrayed and replaced and gets saved by his sister and helps her with her plans branding him the prince of the Abyss.( this one is intresting and i like it.) And for my own pleasure. A Darling in a Franxx story where Ichigo and Hiro ends up together.( SHE DIDNT NOTHING WRONG!!! THEIR CUTE TOGETHER!) So yeah...thats that, let me know if you guys are intrested on and also im still gonna continue the other stories that i have so heads up. The first one that is gonna be updated it the " Yanderified NTR collections. " before the " Prince of Arcadia." Anyways see you guys. Neon out... damn its been so long that i said that

I have one ide on the shelves you may like. Jaune is the Traveler on Teyvat, and both Aether and Lumine or team RWBY are the abyss leaders. For the Genshin reaction what if instead of Aethers travels they react to his previous lives. I saw a story(I don't remember which one) and Lumine knew of these though I thinlk she not knowing is better. Example of Aethers previous lives: Ezio(Assasins creed) Clive(ff16) Jaune(Rwby)