
wait, what's going on with you two?


@neonriots it’s none of your business 


          This meannsss 
          Someone else recieved this and thots you deserve it! As soon as possible (but is it plausible?) write, no not 2, not 3, but a whopping 5 things you like about yourself! And then ofc send this to 10 followers you love!
          <3 ❤❤❤


A True Friend.
          a true friend doesn't care if your rich or poor, 
          if your being an ass, what you weigh , what you look like , if your house is a mess, what car you drive, or if you have a family of crazy people...!
          your conversations will pick up where they left off, even if months have passed by. they will be there for you when you need them most and despite your faults, will love you with all their heart and cherish  the times spent with you...!
          pass to 8 true friends  in your life that will always be there for you no matter what you go though