
Hey guys, I know it has been a long time since I last gave an update, but right now everything in my life is just going all over the place and I am mostly not in the right state of mind I am mostly just not going to speak much about my life, but I just hope that everything will get better for me.


Hey guys, I know it has been a long time since I last gave an update, but right now everything in my life is just going all over the place and I am mostly not in the right state of mind I am mostly just not going to speak much about my life, but I just hope that everything will get better for me.


Am i the only one who would want to eat but rejected it for no reason? Because my stomach wants to eat and my brain is saying no.
          Oh yeah might update the story in a week or two.


@Sizzlethefirescale the fact i didn't get notification till now, i have terrible delay or my Internet sucks.


@Neon_Vilp That’s literally happening 2 me like, rn
            My BFF offered me some DELICIOUS pancakes…but my stomach hurts SOOO BAAAAD RN so I declined…I wanted 2 eat them soooooo baaaaadlllyyy!! ;((