20 Facts about me!
1. I love certain bands like BB and Linkin Park.
2. I like cheese.
3. I love to draw, and I also like P!NK.
4. I'm sorta weird.
5. I'm a teenager.
6. I like video editing
7. I love Youtube
8. The Internet is my soul-mate.
9. I can't handle gore.
10. I don't get why everyone likes One Direction, but I don't think that they're that bad.
11. My favorite color is electric red.
12. I'm a tad of a girly girl sometimes.
13. I love to dance.
14. I'm an actor.
15. Forks are my favorite utensils.
16. I'm slightly random.
17. I enjoy conspiracies
18. I love to laugh
19. I don't laugh often.
20. Social networking sites are weird to me.
  • JoinedJuly 2, 2013
