
@XxHestiaxX I forgot where I was going with it ;( I swear, I can't finis a story to save my life!! :(


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@thatcrazybookworm Well I feel freaking AMAZING that you took the time to reply to me!! And no problem! You're so talented! I've started 'I write Romances, Not Live them' and it's really good so far! I loved the reference to My Classified Life! If you ever get the time, you should check out my newest story. I started it today, and only have the prologue-like thing, but I think it's pretty good. Any input you have would be GREATLY appreciated!! :)


@Nerd_Girl101 Omg five in the freaking morning!? Goodness...
          I read every single comment, wall post, mention, twitter stuff too. I love it! I may not reply to everything, but I see it!
          Lol, I think I can compare happiness levels. One time, my favorite author replied to me on Twitter and I flipped out, majorly. 
          Thanks by the way! Read your bio, I'm glad MCL made the list :)


@thatcrazybookworm Okay, this might sound all Teenage Fan Girl of me but, EEP! lol. The comment I eft was just me being honest. I was ADDICTED to My Classified Life for two and a half days. Last night I stayed up until five in the morning, wanting to finish it. I CAN'T believe you actually like, payed any attention to my comment! Like, I'd be just as excited if Aly Carter or Suzzane Collins wrote to me! Kinda creepy, though, with you being mildly in love with me and all, but still EEP! I'll definetly be checking out your story!! :D