Yooooo Wahts up peeps My REAL Name Is Tyler/Day but my nick name is Johnny and Blu......any way this is me...

I like snowboarding and basketball and foot ball music,Girls (uhh well duh on dat one),friends and much much more im chill (i wish i could be more humble)im nice carin blah blah blaah and yeaah I like regge two peeps im LEGIT xD Jk you can ask me anything about anything and i will try to get back to you and yeah Peace...

Ohhh yeah may i also mention im a little of a game head....Kinda
Need For Speed
and pretty musch anything Im 14 or 15

Fav Animal:Bear And Wolf
Fav Color:Light Blue
Hero:Ummm.....I Have Multiple
Foods:I have Nu Clue Dood
Totem Animal:Wolf,Bear,Eagle
Thing:Computeh,Ps4,Ps3 and some odeh stuffs
Quote:I dont know yet

Goals: I wanna go pro in a sport and stuffs....puh-lease like thats gonna happen its a 1 in 4000 chance ok now serious....
I wanna become and acrhitech and if that dont work im going into the Navy and shooting for Seal Team 6 i dont care what yall say im doing ut...

P.S If u ever wanna play wit Me Mc Or PlayStation this is me...
ohhhh yeaahh meh Fav song

Fav Song:Counting Stars
║██║♫ Paste this on
║██║♫ your page if♫
║(O)║ ♫you love♫
╚══╝♫ music♫

You know that kid you punched in the hallway? They just committed suicide a few minutes ago
You know that girl you called a slut? Shes a virgin
You know that boy you called lame? Yeah he works 2 jobs to support his family
You know the girl you pushed down? Shes already abused at home
You know that old man you called ugly for his scars? He fought for our country
Bullying isnt right 99% of you dont give a crap but the one 1% who does has a heart Repost this if you are that 1%

This is Steve. Copy and paste Steve to your profile to help him gain World Domination
  • Umm Go up turn right then left then up again..ya u in a tree
  • JoinedMarch 30, 2014

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Stories by Day "Blu" Tyler