
Just uploaded chapter 4 ya guysss ! Hope you like it. And if you haven't checked it out yet. Go to my account RIGHT NOW and you will find it there in my chocolate kingdom !
          	Thank you lovelies for reading.


Just uploaded CHAPTER 3 , I know I have been missing for a while. As it is my first story every time I upload is really a big thing to me. But I assure you guys this  chapter is way to good to miss. 
          So.if I were you and haven't checked it yet I  would go to my CHOCOLATE KINGGDOM and check it right now !   
          Luv Ya all beautiful people !!


Thank you so much for supporting my stories by following me!<3


That's so lovely, thank you!<3


@BlackRose54  No need I fell in love with one of your stories and soon I will read more as I cant stop <3