
@Hainachu ik, but (at least with CFS) pretty much everyone who's depressed is depressed b\c they're sick- the depression came after the illness. And I know exactly what you mean about stress, I can't handle anything without having quite a few shitty days, even "good stress."


@Hainachu that's great you hadn't had a flare! :) I used to have good periods of time and bad periods of time (feel ok for a week or two but then feel crappy for a few days) but lately I'm lucky to get a "good" day :/ I havent gotten to go to school since last January. how long have you had ulcerative colitis?


@Hainachu yeah, me. I've been sick for a little over 2 years now with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. people used to say all sorts of shitty things to me, my favorite being "I dont believe you're sick because how can someone be sick for that long?" (at the time id been out of school for like a month) You?