I am an amateur writer/author. I love reading romance, action, adventure, horror, and  fictional stories and books​. I love animals especially dogs and foxes. I write fictional stories and have hand written a few for personal reasons.....Just bored. I plan on sharing those books/ stories​ with you all.... Just shy about them a little also
  • RegistriertFebruary 24, 2017

Folge ich

Geschichten von Riley Pawford
Spring's fur von NerdyEevee
Spring's fur
A short story wrote a few years ago for a raffle but it's sweet and a little something in my lane. IT follow...
The fox and the wolves von NerdyEevee
The fox and the wolves
This is a short story about a fox named Todd and a pack of wolves(also this is an amature story i did like 6...
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