As many of you probably don't know me in reality,. IRL per say. I should explain a few things. I struggle with depression and anxiety. I've gone through hell and back with it. It has made writing very difficult for me sometimes. And continuing a story even more so. I'm really disappointed with how Shadow's Within is going. And it's attention per say. So I am officially discontinuing it. Unless something drastic happens it will not be adjusted. "Arisen" which is Book 2 of The Fallen Ones will be released at some point in the future. I have the story board and nothing more. But in (at shortest) two-three months it will be released. Much like Fallen Ones it will be slowly as I write it. For my other stories. Winding Away, and Time Amongst The Barracks will be continued. I still have plans for both of them. Maybe a few of you will be disappointed for Shadows Withing being discontinued. Which I will put a disclaimer in the first chapter. I feel proud of The Fallen Ones. And that is one that will result in a trilogy. At least that's my plans for now. Going back to my mention of depression I have been really low recently with... Stuff going on in my life. So I haven't had much motivation to finish or create new parts to my books. I plan on creating custom covers with the help of my friend Spicedog Link: who is also my editor. Shout out to her. For The Sixth Division I do have plans to work on it. I have another chapter in the works. Hopefully that will be out sooner or later. I'm really sorry to say that any of you who were hoping for the pre mentioned future books will NOT be a thing ever or at the very least a long time away. My plans right now are to finish up or at least work on my current stories. Once I hot summer break in a few months it will be far more common for the stories to be updated on schedule. That's my hope at least. I apologize for this being super long. But it needed to be said