
Hey everyone, I’m back. I’m currently in my first semester of actually university and let me tell you it’s an experience. That being said that I’ve developed a routine I will be post a chapter very soon. But that’s not what this announcement is about. 
          	I read a comment on my book that truly flabbergasted me. It wasn’t hate towards me but to another reader. Now I don’t condone bullying in the slightest and this comment was absolutely horrendous. The person attacked another reader based on their race. Called them slurs among many others things. I don’t like that. I won’t stand for that in my book. 
          	Let’s be kind to each other. If you don’t have anything nice to say be a silent reader. If you feel the need to be racism or homophobic, transphobic or anything even remotely close to any of those please get off my book. I don’t support bully and I definitely don’t support discrimination against anyone. 
          	Thank you 


@NerdyKing22 ooooooooo! First semester of Uni, good for you can be a bit tricky but enjoy the ride. Glad your back writing can't to read more of our little Winters journey. 


This might be out of the whole reading topic, but I was wondering about something you have mentioned in your profile! You said something along the lines of med school and I wanted to know what are you going to med school for and how is it going? I'm very interested and no one I know is in that industry if you will. :)