Hey guys I know it's been a while...so ! Here's some changes. I haven't really been happy with TMITW so I'm gonna make a few changes! Also I have new storys to post so get ready!
Hey guys I know it's been a while...so ! Here's some changes. I haven't really been happy with TMITW so I'm gonna make a few changes! Also I have new storys to post so get ready!
Hey my kawii cheesecakes! Tall Man In the Woods just got rated 100# I horror! Which is awesome! So a big thank you to everyone who read it! I'll be posting soon!
Hey everyone! I'm SO SORRY I haven't been posting! It's just that the place I'm in has no wifi! And now I do...buy not for long so please know that I'm still writing and when I get wifi I will post! Thanks I love you my kawii cheesecakes!~