this message may be offensive
I'd like to take a moment to appreciate my mom. She's really the best mom I could have ever asked for. She doesn't invade my privacy, she knocks and actually waits for me to say come in when she enters my room, she doesn't take my phone and go through it, and she's not always asking me about who I like. She's super chill and let's me curse around her, she thinks of it as just words and is fine with it, she let's me watch whatever I want, and let's me listen to whatever music I like. What's really funny is that while a few moms don't want their children listening to rock music because they think it's the devil's music or whatever, my mom actually used to be really punk and emo and whenever any sort of old hardcore rock music comes on she fucking blasts it and it's hilarious. Plus, about teen pregnancy, I have already decided I'm waiting until I'm married to have sex, not anything religious, that's just what I want to do. My mom had me pretty young though, and she has told me multiple times that if I ever did somehow get pregnant as a teenager that she would completely accept me and help me with it. Not to mention the fact that she openly supported the LGBTQ+ community ever since she herself was a kid and has told my brother and I many times that she'll accept us no matter what. Plus, my mom somehow managed to take of my brother, my father, my grandfather, me, and herself on a waitress salary for 8 years! That's amazing. Because of all this I tell her a lot of things because I feel like she's not just my mom, but that she's actually my friend. This is the reason I always talk to her about really personal things, and the reason that I told her the day I started wondering about my sexuality. I don't understand super over protective and pushy parents. If you just let your kid do what they want they won't rebel against you and will tell you all the things you are pushing them to tell you already. This is super random to just say at 10:00 AM, but she's really amazing.