
March 2, 2021
          	I may be in Drivers Ed right now, but I'm starting to get bored while waiting for the everyone to be done testing, so I'll do a quick update. First off, I have officially decided that I will update The Sun, The Moon, and The Stars once a month, probably focused towards the middle of the month. The chapters are a lot longer (like 3,000-6,000 words O_o) and more thought out than anything I've written before, so it takes a lot of time to write and edit. 
          	Second, I am starting to write a My Hero Academia book as well, which I will start updating on here soon. I will update it more frequently then TSTMATS, mainly because the chapters are like 3,000 words shorter lol. Anways, I have a pretty solid storyline going with many ideas for the future, so I'll put it on here soon.
          	Another things before I finish this update, I created an All About The Author book where I just put fun facts about me. If you havy any ideas on what to put on there or anything you want to know (as long as it is not too personal), let me know! Anyways, that is it for now. If anyone actually reads these, let me know because I can't tell. Have a great day peeps :D


March 2, 2021
          I may be in Drivers Ed right now, but I'm starting to get bored while waiting for the everyone to be done testing, so I'll do a quick update. First off, I have officially decided that I will update The Sun, The Moon, and The Stars once a month, probably focused towards the middle of the month. The chapters are a lot longer (like 3,000-6,000 words O_o) and more thought out than anything I've written before, so it takes a lot of time to write and edit. 
          Second, I am starting to write a My Hero Academia book as well, which I will start updating on here soon. I will update it more frequently then TSTMATS, mainly because the chapters are like 3,000 words shorter lol. Anways, I have a pretty solid storyline going with many ideas for the future, so I'll put it on here soon.
          Another things before I finish this update, I created an All About The Author book where I just put fun facts about me. If you havy any ideas on what to put on there or anything you want to know (as long as it is not too personal), let me know! Anyways, that is it for now. If anyone actually reads these, let me know because I can't tell. Have a great day peeps :D


February 28, 2021
          I realized it’s 4 am right now and I was thinking I might as well post something on here lol. This may be a pretty long update since I have a few things to say. So, my current plan is to update TSTMATS once a month, just to give myself some time to write each chapter. They are pretty long and majority of them have over 3,000 words so I figured a month is pretty reasonable. 
          As a high school sophomore and small business owner, my main focus is on my work. But I do plan on spending majority of my free time writing stories because it’s so much fun for me. I have a few other ideas for stories, one about My Hero Academia and one about Treasure Planet. I have a pretty solid idea for the MHA story so I might start writing a bit of that. Also, I might make a quick All About Me story with stuff like my Hogwarts house and favorite shows. 
          Well that’s pretty much it! Sorry for typing so much. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, just reply to this and let me know. That’s all for now :D


February 18, 2021
          I just posted the introduction for The Sun, The Moon, and The Stars! I will start uploading chapters as soon as I can, which I might do it tonight. I can not express how hyped I am to be releasing this. I know it probably won't reach a lot of people, but I am still pretty excited! I have a snow day for school tomorrow so I'll get a lot more time to write.


February 8, 2021
          Hey! I've been writing a lot during these first months of 2021, and it is going really well. To stay organized, I have been writing it all in Google Docs. I'm currently about 60 pages in, so I will be posting the first chapter here soon.