
I'm curious, I've sorted a schedule for writing again, and have a new chapter up on my Quotev and Tumblr, would you guys want to see it? I know I haven't been really active on here, that's my bad.


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Heyo sorry for the sudden halt, I was supposed to get another chapter out this week, but I also just got my wisdom teeth out Thursday and am now in a lot of pain and can't really do much since my pain meds make me super fucken sleepy, but I do have a chapter almost done to be published :>


Hopping out of the car, you were amazed to see giant robots-who seemed to mimick your surprised expression. "Raf, you didn't tell us you had a friend!" Miko beamed, excitement seemingly radiating off of her. "I-uh, well," raf stumbled over his words to try and explain the situation, when the car you were in also transformed and started to beep and whirl.  "It's not safe to have another human involved," a smaller robot said, but you could see the hint of a smile on her face. "What's wrong with your neck?" Miko questioned boldly, pointing out at the forming bruises. Startled, you hid behind the now yellow robot who was standing a few feet away from you. "Sorry, they're shy," Raf gave you a reassuring smile but you were still a little shy. "bee and I found them walking on the roads alone-they didn't have a place to go," He looked towards the other two robots. "I wasn't sure what to do-they're ten," Raf was about to continue on when the green bulky robot interrupted them. "I'm sure the Big Boss won't mind Raf, and besides-maybe we should have Doc take a look at them." 
          A snippet of the new chapter being released soon!


Super good news! School is ending for the Summer, so I'll have one less stress to have. My area is also in stage 2 of the quarantine so things are opening back up again, :D I'm super excited to have my update schedule back, and since it's the summer I'm going to try to update once a week, alternating which book is being updated each week. A
          The start of June was crazy for me, I was in the hospital, it's pride month, I'm starting to look for work, it's a big mess, but one that's easily sorted through. Starting next week updates should become more frequent, so stay tuned for updates!


All updates are on hold for the time being, My family is starting to take more priority in these times, (not that they weren't already a big priority), and my teachers seem to think that since I'm working from home and "have it easy" they are giving bigger workloads. I'm still writing drafts and getting a few to almost completion, so I will still be working on those and publish those chapters all at once due to the lack of updates. I haven't stopped writing on anything, I've just become busier than I had expected. I hope to return soon after my family situation is dealt with and school eases up on the workload.


I'm leaning to writing stuff for Young Justice and DC since that's the main fandom I'm in right now, but I also know a lot of you really like the TFP stuff I write as well, so I'm thinking when I update I switch between the two, so one update will be TFP, and the next would be Young Justice or DC. Does that sound good for you all? If not do you have any suggestions?