
Hello everyone,
          	Here a little update about my writing activities (actually, non-activities). I have been suffering from a writer’s block for some time now. You may have noticed this because of the inconsistent updating of stories and the lack of presence on Wattpad (I felt even more guilty I wasn’t writing just by opening the site). 
          	But, I think I figured out the main reason of my writer’s block: Bound by Glass. I am going to rewrite it. The more I think about it, the more I am not satisfied by the story and the more i feel I cannot start writing Struck by Grace until I have fixed it. So that’s what I’m going to do! So, bear with me since this is a loooong process. I am currently reading through all the chapters with a red pen and making lottttttts of notes. The brand new Bound by Glass will be even better than before, and believe me, after that I will start writing Struck by Grace. For you guys. 
          	Thanks for bearing with me, 
          	Lots of love, xoxo, 


@Nerdyna Ooh can't wait!! That sounds amazing, hope rewriting helps you find you're mojo again!


Yay!!! I will wait patiently forever for this book. I wasn’t joking, I loved Bound By Glass. I’d buy a hard copy if I could! I will start re-reading so I will be prepared for Struck By Grace! 


Thank you for your patience, @KellyWeaver3 ! Your support means a lot! I’ll start posting soon xx


I'm hoping you still use this account I am hoping that you will be writing some more of struck by grace as I really enjoyed reading bound by glass I need to know what happens next and would like to say I'm loving reading and think you are brilliant xx


I love your description of the place where the ball will be held! I can feel the wonder of her seeing something like that for the first time. 
          By way of encouragement, notice the wording in 'My curiosity had won over me'... Probably should change to 'won me over'. Do you want a proofreader ? I'm good at that stuff! You could pay me a couple dollars per chapter !? 


@SusanMilillo okay ! I can hardly wait for more of your Bound by Glass/Struck by Grace !!


@SusanMilillo  Hi! Thanks for your kind words and your proposal. I think I'm good though! Have a nice day :)


Hello everyone,
          Here a little update about my writing activities (actually, non-activities). I have been suffering from a writer’s block for some time now. You may have noticed this because of the inconsistent updating of stories and the lack of presence on Wattpad (I felt even more guilty I wasn’t writing just by opening the site). 
          But, I think I figured out the main reason of my writer’s block: Bound by Glass. I am going to rewrite it. The more I think about it, the more I am not satisfied by the story and the more i feel I cannot start writing Struck by Grace until I have fixed it. So that’s what I’m going to do! So, bear with me since this is a loooong process. I am currently reading through all the chapters with a red pen and making lottttttts of notes. The brand new Bound by Glass will be even better than before, and believe me, after that I will start writing Struck by Grace. For you guys. 
          Thanks for bearing with me, 
          Lots of love, xoxo, 


@Nerdyna Ooh can't wait!! That sounds amazing, hope rewriting helps you find you're mojo again!


Yay!!! I will wait patiently forever for this book. I wasn’t joking, I loved Bound By Glass. I’d buy a hard copy if I could! I will start re-reading so I will be prepared for Struck By Grace! 


Thank you for your patience, @KellyWeaver3 ! Your support means a lot! I’ll start posting soon xx


Hello all!
          Just posted chapter 8, 'Summon to Surrender'. Make sure to check it out!
          Also, I made a Pinterest! Go check it out, because I make boards for all my stories, and ones that might come ... ;) 
          my username is viviancathinspo! 
          xx Vivian