my friends puplished an new storys I would like all of to give a look go vist there profiles @pance_taha.....@nadzzm
vote + comment for it , it mean the world to me *-*
my friends puplished an new storys I would like all of to give a look go vist there profiles @pance_taha.....@nadzzm
vote + comment for it , it mean the world to me *-*
@Shimaira really weird :/ it's okay :) act like nothing happened :D maybe it's something wrong with the wattpad ..but I checked you're not in my following's list :D
@NadaaEl-Masryy I love how fast we became best friends and I can't imagine having anyone in your place.
@pance_taha I can't find any other words to describe my love for you, I just can't find them, I only hope that you know I love you, even if I don't say it enough.
@srenga أحبك لأنك لست مثل البشر؛ فإنك كزهرة بيضاء رائعة فى وسط حقل تالف، قلبك مثل الجوهرة النادرة التي تشع نوراً وتجعل الليل كنور الشمس الساطع