Have you ever been sitting in class or talking to a
friend about something and wondered, "Why does it
have to be that way? Why does it have to be done
that way? I'm sure there are other ways to do
this!"? Well, this is where you get to break the rules!
Find something you love, something you have a
passion for! Now..... make it better! Most people
tend to think that everything that is being done
needs to be done that way, and when asked "why is it
done that way?" well, the answer is usually "because
it's always been done that way!" Now what I want all
of you guys to do, break the chains! Think outside
the box and change the way things are done! Always
question everything you are doing and everything
that is being done around you! Make "why" the most
common word in your vocabulary! Use it often!
Rules are meant to be broken, so live life that way.
Break away from the chains of the "only accepted
way" and change the world around you. The more
you learn to do this, the more you'll learn that the
most successful people in this world have been the
mavericks, the people that were the creators, the
trend setters, and the "weird people". Become that
weird person. Become the maverick. Become
everything you want to be by taking whatever path
you want to take to get there! Don't go a certain
direction just because everyone says that's the only
correct way. Stop listening to the cool kids. Those
cool kids will probably end up in a mediocre job while
you're off doing amazing things with your life!
Go out, break the rules, and live life the way you
want to. True success is sure to follow if you are
doing things your way!
  • JoinedJanuary 23, 2016