
          	What do y’all think bout a poem book or waeva they call it
          	I’ve been going through a lot and I try to write down my feelings once in a while. 
          	So how does that sound?


Heyyoooo! Sup guysss! I know I've been really scarce buuut guess who just hit 1k reads on beyond! *mentally squeals* I mean it took a lot of time but y'all brought me here and I'm so thankful for that. 
          Also, I'm so sorry I haven't updated for quite a while now, but I'll try to do so. 
          I'm still working on the cover shop so I'll be taking it down soon for renovations. 
          One more thing....who else loves BTS, because I'm crazy about them and thier songs. I mean I'm listening to Mic Drop right now and it's lit.
          Well that's all for now! Till next time!


Soooooo, I'm thinking about opening a cover shop. I've literally been obsessed with editing photos, so I was just thinking, why not do it for the benefit of others? So if y'all think it's a good idea, please tell me. 


Hiiiiii! Been a while I've been on here. I was going through my notifications and suprise! I won an award while I was away! Beyond came in second place in the best homemade cover category. I'm so darn happy right now. 
          Also wanted to thank my cousin who really helped me out with it. ~ @Angelica1x


hii! Excuse me for plugging, but could you spare me some time? My friend just published her first work here in Wattpad and she's seeking people with good tastes to give her honest critiques in her story. It would be such a pleasure to take a peek of her work and help her out. She would really appreciate it and would be pleased to learn from your opinions. But, if you don't have some free time then I would still be glad that you noticed this message and would respect your decision. Thank you. I'll drop the link here ^^. 


@OlympiaEurydice No problem. If you wouldn't mind, could you check out my book?


            Thank you so much. Have a great day and love thyself ♡


@OlympiaEurydice Oh that's nice. I'll give it a read today. 


Heyaaaa! How are y'all? Anything you wanna share?


@OlympiaEurydice Good to hear! Have a good as toooo


@Netta3d my friend's work? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA joke. Modules, assignments, and projects had me stressed and burnt out this year : < it felt like I badly wanna give up, but I can't because I wasn't born with a silver spoon in between my lips. Anyways, have a great day. ^^