
Hey peeps, just letting use all know that I will be writing a very, very long as chapter or so, hence the reasons to why I have not updated yet. 
          	I will be heading over seas for a whole month in October, so I will not leave use disappointed. Due to the awful internet connection that cost an arm and a leg, I will still continue to write, and TRY to send it through email to my sister who will post it up for use.
          	I will return back in November not sure when ,and will continue to write for my awesome Followers! But saying that I will be leaving to ENGLAND!!! I'm super excited :) in December for three weeks  :o.
          	Call me selfish peeps but if I attempt to get one chapter up while enjoying x-mas and new years over seas, will be a bloody miracle lol.
          	Anyways I will post up a chapter soon, believe it or not I had to read the book again :/ I seriously need to proof read ......., and my spelling BAHAHAAH omg talk about BAD. HA anyways hope use all understand muwah! 


Hey peeps, just letting use all know that I will be writing a very, very long as chapter or so, hence the reasons to why I have not updated yet. 
          I will be heading over seas for a whole month in October, so I will not leave use disappointed. Due to the awful internet connection that cost an arm and a leg, I will still continue to write, and TRY to send it through email to my sister who will post it up for use.
          I will return back in November not sure when ,and will continue to write for my awesome Followers! But saying that I will be leaving to ENGLAND!!! I'm super excited :) in December for three weeks  :o.
          Call me selfish peeps but if I attempt to get one chapter up while enjoying x-mas and new years over seas, will be a bloody miracle lol.
          Anyways I will post up a chapter soon, believe it or not I had to read the book again :/ I seriously need to proof read ......., and my spelling BAHAHAAH omg talk about BAD. HA anyways hope use all understand muwah! 


Something new? As in, new books? If it is, no. Please don't.  :( I don't want you to abandon Damnation. If you have writers block, then feel free to PM me or anyone else. And we'll give you lots of ideas. :) I love Damnation. And I'm sure a lot of people feel that way too. Damnation was very unique to me,  and I like that. Truly. Damnation has been one of a few books that I had read in the past before I became totally addicted to Wattpad.


            And don't get me started on finding a job here...... the worst experience of my life, so being a manager flew out the window.
            So as you know I share this account with my sister Netti, who by the way does not write Damnation :/  I've tried to get her to at least read it but she also is busy now that she has a 1 year old beluga whale running around causing havoc. 
            Yes I'm an aunt and the little demon keeps me busy since I am her babysitter muwahaha.
            Dam.... I should have written out a book or something ha, but yes that is the honest truth. and I completely understand how pissed off readers can be when waiting for yonks for an update...., I admit I went off at someone asking when was there next update and BOOM..., Yup i'm such a hypocrite. 
            Thanks agin tho, I wouldn't want you to get caught in class reading this lol


lol your supper! I stayed up till 2 this morning determined to post up up before bed. I know it doesn't make a lot of sense at the moment and it's suppose to I swear lol. 
            It so sweet that you are concerned and I don't mind you asking at all :) I think I owe you that much to explain (Story of my life meh) SO the year I stopped writing I think it was 2011? Anyways lets just say I was soooo stressed from work that it got to the point that I would cry when I pulled up to work. Yup I'm not even kidding you. My sister was the one who witnessed it when she would drop me off, thinking about it now I cant help but laugh. Oh and the fact I had surgery on my left arm with a neon blue cast from the wrist to under my armpit, that just added to the glory of grey hairs.
            And then I moved to Brisbane Australia.....
            When they said it will take 2 years to get use to the heat they weren't kidding. The humidity is unbearable, and with water restrictions on a hot 40-45 degree heat, it simply cannot be helped that someone from rainy cold Auckland Nz has to be camped beside my bathroom having 4-5 showers a day... it's unhealthy but at least I get a surprise water bill in the end hehe.


@NettiM LOL Tell me about it. I didn't even know that you've replied to my message, if it hadn't been my library notified me that Damnation has been updated, I'd have seriously thought that you would really going to abandon the book. 
            I was actually really surprised seeing Damnation's name in my notification's library. I am so happy that you updated Damnation, hell, I have had a very rough morning you see.. But seeing Damnation in my notification list, I became so happy that it hurts so much. 
            You don't have to apologize, really. :')
            If you don't mind me asking, why did you move anyway? Did something happened? I can't help but feeling worried about you.. 
            I am so pumped right now, I will let you know the ideas that I currently have later. Right now, I'm still at school. I'm so scared that the teacher might be taking my phone away if she ever saw me with my phone in my hand instead of doing the class work were given by her. LOL Yolo


hey everyone there will be more to this story very soon. our book fell through due to a manager with money greedy fingers...sad what this world has come to.


I can't wait!!!!!! This story is super amazing and I am in love with it XD


thanks for still reading, its been a while but thankfully we will post up the entire book soon. our book sign up fell through:( but we still aim to sell it