
One more day of testing guys! Wish me luck "<(TAT)>"


this message may be offensive
Sorry guys! I have state testing and will NOT be posting until this week is over. Believe it or not, I actually get MORE homework when it starts, dubbed as "review", so yeah.... gets pretty annoying. Thanks for holding out! ALSO, Transmutation will start to be updating again, with longer chapters (Now that I can see the word count... it was pretty low) and I will maybe start up the Game of Life again, but not until I have at LEAST my seventeenth chapter of Transmutation AND six chapters of Umbran Warrior. Thanks for waiting, sorry that I have not updated in  FOREVER. Please don't kill me TAT


Okay, I know this seems like procrastination,  but I promise the only reason I will not pots until next week is because I have a new schedule in school, taking different classes and switching a lot of things that are tio awkward to focus about anything else.


Okay, since my birthday was last week, I felt I deserved a lie. One, this Friday this story will be posted,   and two, it is a fanfiction PURELY made to torture my friend. If you do not support gay right I suggest you don't read the book and go screw yourself in the butt. All who want this action, you have two days until your wet dream comes true. Love you all!