
          	1. having lost the physical, mental, or moral qualities considered normal and desirable; showing evidence of decline.


this message may be offensive
I genuinely don't care if people are going to be pissed but please unfollow me and never speak to me again if you're seriously ignorant enough to disappear right as riots begin; and only return to post pro-
          American shit with zero acknowledgement of both BLM and the rampant police brutality among many, many other problems in America. You disappoint and disgust me. I swear people could not be more ignorant and then they prove it this way. Your silence is part of the problem. Another take: celebrating Fourth of July is unnecessary. Why are you celebrating a country that has committed (and continues to!) a practically never ending list of crimes and has violated so many basic human rights. America was never free for those who are not white/cis/straight/rich. This country continues to disappoint and discriminate. I am at a loss for words. Please don't interact with me if you are Sage/Gold/Sara. I really don't want to dwell on that part of my life or associate with that type of negativity.


❤️❤️❤️✨ no homo 


@vemere this bitchass phone won't let me punch in emojis so [:huffing: :praying:]x2


ily platonically more ho ✨✨


@vemere ily platonically papa no homo 