
HEY EVERYONEEEEE, does anyone want me to post new chapters? or is everyone just over my books lol anyways i hope everyones doing amazingggg!!!!




@ImagineRealityLuna i have an acc, but im not allowed to have it. and idt my mom will allow me to add sm1 idk in person!! sob


Omg same . Do u have snapchat?


Can u plz support me ❤️ my novel is completed and I'll start publishing very soon. The original had success and I want to share it with foreigners. Hope u be one of them 


@_ri0na_ I'd love to! Sounds interesting, I'll dive right in!


Omg mha and unintended consequences your like actually my soulmate I swear. Okay question what is your fav mha ship (gotta see if this is a safe space ) and also what did you think of the ending of unintended consequences cause I thought it was lokey trash and she could have written another book or two if she wanted and the brother made me depressed lokey. Anyway HAPPY NEW YEAR 


             OMG FRRRRRRR like i get itttt, i like a lot of them but they also make me mad cuz some of the guys like ermmm bud hes mine haha. ur fr my soulmate haha. but yeah i get the bkdk ship frfr, i like it but i dont at the same time. and yeah the other ship get me too like i like some but yk just ughhh. and yeah it is hard bc they overlap. and its hard the understand why ppl wanted to ship bk with dk like yeah there close in a weird way and wtv but there just friends...i mean i think haha, the way they made it they made it seem like they like eachother and its so confusing. and fr denki and jiro are so cuteeee!! and fr i get u on the other ship dude.


I love bkdk don’t get me wrong like it’s defo one of my fav ships ever if not my fav one but do they really have to portray it was like dk being some weak weirdo like it’s WEIRD if he acted like that in front of katsuki he would have started laughing and then realised he wasn’t joking and blew him up fr. But bkdk is still on top always also I love momo but like anytime that she’s shipped with shoto I get mad cause that’s my man like he’s mine also jiro momo on top but also denki and jiro are my life too it’s so hard to ship cause they overlap 


@SalemnWitchTrials bakudeku id have to say is my fav mha ship even though i dont like it at the same time. tbh bakugou should be my mans haha. and for the untitled consequences, she could have done so so much better. like babe cmonnnn that ending was the deffinition of srry but i cannttttt. i hope they make more of mha!! like baby pleaseeeeeeee i wanna see moreeeeee haha


if anyones still interested, i will be posting new chapters to my books. please for the ones who are interested and supporting my books, i am working really hard in school, with studdying and trying to keep great grades so bare with me. plus im working, i have a babysitting job, and work at a fast food place. im also very busy as home as well.


heyyyy yall!!! i hoep your all doing amazing and staying your wonderful selves!! tonight im going to be posting another chapter or wtv u wanna call it to my books! please bare with me here, schools been keeping me busy and my life at homes busy as well. alsomif you want you can add me on dicord @Akari10029, you can add or dm me on there to ask about books, give advice or maybe js chat and become friends! i hope you all have a great day.