
Followers of the Ark-verse, it is my pleasure to wish you all a happy new year. In 3 and a half hours from now (According to my time at least) We will have begun our journey for 2025. Its been quite a year for all of us, and I hope this years turns out just slightly better, and I hope to continue giving you guys some good stories to read. Have a wonderful new year everyone!


Followers of the Ark-verse, it is my pleasure to wish you all a happy new year. In 3 and a half hours from now (According to my time at least) We will have begun our journey for 2025. Its been quite a year for all of us, and I hope this years turns out just slightly better, and I hope to continue giving you guys some good stories to read. Have a wonderful new year everyone!


Had a bit of a thought cross my mind while writing out the next chapter for Trailblaze. What would you guys say to having me write adventures for my other three main cast members, that being Xeno, Nevan, and Nero, and if so, let me know which stories you want to see them in.


We did it everyone! 400 follower milestone! Woooo!!! Honestly was not expecting this, I'm glad to have you all aboard, and I'm glad you all actually like my works and I hope you all continue to stick around for more. You guys are awesome.


Happy Halloween everybody!!!!! 
          Its of course that time of the year again before we move on to the next holiday in then next two months. I wish you all a happy spooktober, don't eat your candy all in one sitting, trust me, that's bad, and have fun scaring either your parents, kids, or your pets. Ciao!


Thank you for adding my yugioh story to your list ;) 


@Nevan-UniverseDragon Thank you very much for reading my story. How was it so far, particularly about the duels and the characters? Sorry for sending it here, since Wattpad removed private chat features long ago


@cyberwyrm28 No problem, it sounded interesting so I'd figure I'd give it a read


The urge to write so many ideas that have been popping into my head as of late is really driving me nuts, and its making it hard to focus on stories I  should be working on. If I don't then I might just have a mental overload. I hope you guys can understand, but I really need to get rid of this urge as soon as possible. Be sure you all have good day/night


@ Nevan-UniverseDragon  you do that


Ok, so I've probably had one of the more, interesting idea's I wanna try out, this however is going to require a lot of prep work. However! Before I even decide to attempt it, I do want your guy's opinions on it, here goes. 
          A Yu-Gi-Oh x High school DXD story.
          The way I'm thinking this would work, is the cast of DXD simply playing duel monsters like the yugioh series. But here's the kicker, none of the characters are supernatural, everyone will just be normal humans. 
          Now the big issue with this, there are a LOT of characters within DXD, which means I have to think of what decks they would use, and then make the decks, and then write out the duels. 
          Now again, I do want your thoughts on this idea and if I should dabble in it, and if possible for any of my follows or really anybody that is into yugioh, I would love deck suggestions. If you do want to see this become a fic that I make, I will happy that you take interest in it, and scared that I have to make it. Anywho, Ciao!


Everyone, today is a perfect day. Its the spooky month, the second to last day of the week, and its the 13th, you know what that means...
          FRIDAY THE 13TH BINGE WATCHING TIME!!! Grab your popcorn and the nearest unlucky soul, sit down and watch as Jason goes on a murder spree! I for one, am gonna enjoy it immensely.


@Nevan-UniverseDragon I've never watched those films, I'm not the best with horror but I'll give it a shot


@LordGhostTurkey I see, I hope you get hit by a squid 


@Nevan-UniverseDragon Not a clue. I'm currently outside.


Hello my fellow peeps, Your creator god is currently gonna take a small small break from writing to get ideas fleshed out for later chapters. There is also another reason for that, and its because my brain has been scattering with ideas that I want put down into stories for you guys. 
          The two most prominent ones taking that space in my brain is Monster Hunter: Rise, and Madness Combat. I've been a fan of these two medias for a long time now, and with my skills as a writer getting better by the day, I wanted to make something out of them. So here is what I kinda want to do for each of them. 
          For Madness Combat, I was thinking of doing a crossover with another show or something. Hell the first one that came to mind was Highschool dxd of all things.
          Monster hunter is the tricky one though, not to sure what I plan to do with it but I'll get there.
          If you guys have any suggestions that you wanna throw my way for these then feel free too, I'd love to hear them. With that said, I hope you all have a wonderful day/night.