C H I L L A X ✨

December 28th, 2022 2022 is going to to be over in just three days yet none of my books is finished. But over these few months, I've improved (at least I think so). I'm working on a different project now and I have been reading from different authors and learning from them as well. If all goes well, this book will be completed and published on the 15th of February. More updates coming soon, Bye, #1

March 16, 2022, A lot of things has changed over the past three months. I modified the plot of "The Forest" again and again until my latest ## draft. The foundation of the plot has changed entirely...hopefully for something better. There is so much to do but there is no use stressing over it. Write for fun, write to explore, write to discover. More updates coming soon! Bye!

Hey C. Rohhc of November 27, 2021! First, I almost finish the project for NaNoWriMo2021. Second, I'm starting my fourth draft of "The Forest". Third, I write less than last month because I've been quite busy. I've moved to another country! I'm so excited! More update coming soon! Bye!