this message may be offensive
Okay my beloved fuckers, i'm going to leave wattpad. And i will entrust someone of my choosing to carry on my legacy of shit. But, i will still be available to chat and do art or maybe a short story on my deviantart or my tumblr. So please contact me if you wanna chat or anything because i love all of you for being so supportive and sweet. And I'm leaving because i can't go on doing this, i don't have time anymore for my writing and as much as it saddens me to say, i have lost interest in writing oneshots. My life has taken such strange turns and i can't keep up doing this anymore, but i still love all of you and will do my best to contact you. So, farewell my friends, i'll see you on the other side. I love you all. -Neverest

@Neverest_Reborn @Sizzthesalad Its what you would expect lol NeverestReborn, also don't be alarmed this is my alt account. I rarely use it and i almost never check it but i thought you should at least have the information