Hello my lovelies. It’s been a while. I wanted to come on here and say a few words, for those of you who are still listening to this old ghost who calls herself an author. I joined the lotf fandom in middle school, and now as I enter my final semester of senior year at university, I think my time in this community has come to an end. Thank you to everyone who supported me from the very first chapters published, to those that will read my work far into the future. I never expected this fic to blow up the way that it did, and I am eternally grateful to all my past, present, and future readers. I appreciate all of your lovely comments and know that I am laughing, crying, and angrily fuming right along side you at my (sometimes shitty and honestly outlandish) writing. Be critical of my oc, because she honestly deserves it at some points, but also please try to be kind to her. She is honestly a reflection of my confused, impulsive, indecisive, and slightly depressed middle school self. I end this chapter in my life so that I can start a new one for myself, I wanted to give a long overdue update. As always, I continue to write, especially since I am pursuing my degree in English Lit (I think we all saw that coming). Without trying to sound too much like the valedictorian at a high school graduation, I’ll leave you with these parting words: as we all move forward in our lives to accomplish great things, let us remember the part of ourselves that will always remain a middle schooler reading fanfic in their childhood bedroom at 3AM. You are all so loved. xoxo, NeverlandsDreamer

@NeverlandsDreamer13 I am just now seeing this announcement, and I don't know if you'll see my response, but I need to type it out anyway. I joined in fandom in 2018 right at the beginning of my freshman year of HS. I made this wattpad acc in 2019 to get a fresh start in writing. I remember younger me reading your story for the first time and it left me in such awe. Your writing touched me and left such a lasting mark. I mean- your story was one of the ones that inspired me to write my own. I honestly am no longer in the LOTF fandom, but I still love to speak with my friends that I met through it. I think I still have a slight attachment to Lord of the Flies because of who I met, and how everyone has affected me. It was a pivotal time of my life where I was struggling. There's many fandoms I hold close to me just because I found them during that period. You've always been so kind to me, and I appreciate it greatly. I got a lil bit emotional when I read your part about university, as I am now on my second year in Uni. We've grown up a lot! It's kinda weird. Again, I don't know if you'll see this, not assuming you chose to delete the app, but I wanted to thank you. Seriously. Your fic altered 14 or 15 year old me's brain chemistry, LMAO. ily!