
You may find this difficult to believe... but I have updated Cracks in the Wall. Try not to go into shock or have a heart attack. Anyways, feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks! 


@Arintez Oh, I'm SO glad I'm not the only sane person out there about this whole vampire thing. And the worst part is that it didn't just end with Twilight. Now there's a million series where vampires are these cute fluffy bunnies that just want a normal life. It's horrible!!! :P Haha, hopefully you'll end up being my fan because you like what I write, but I guess agreeing with me about vampires works too :D The one I'd really appreciate you checking out is Cracks in the Wall. There'll probably be some major editing at a later time because it's not exactly my most well written piece of work, but I'd still love some critique. Thanks so much! 


@marthe3103 oh my gosh, isn't it like the saddest book ever??? I cry every time I read it. And I sob every time I read Marley and Me. But that's beside the point... whatever the point was. Anyways, I'd love your feedback! Won't be updating for awhile because I'm going to a land filled with cows and cheese, but you can read a few of the chapters I already have up. Or all of them. Whatever floats your boat :) thanks!!! 


Hey, hey, hey!!! Chapter 11 of Cracks in the Wall is up. Do you guys want to know a secret??? To be a unique, cool person that everyone loves and adores, all you have to do is comment. It's easy, it's fun, it'll make you fabulously wealthy, and you'll lose weight! ... Ok, not really. But it is easy and fun; I wasn't lying about that part. 
          Awaiting your feedback,