
@NewCard just realised that there was a broadcast button now. For these messages... Genius NewCard strikes again.


@NewCard I will probably also take another shot in the story "A journal of another". That journal definitly helped to collect my thoughts and process for writing poetry and It was the first thing I posted one here. For that reason I believe The nazi journal deserves another entry.


I know its been a while since I've posted something and Ive definitly have been feeling nostalgia for this website. For this reason, I will be posting the first few pages to a full length short story (a bout 3,000 wordsish maybe more)  im working on and I will hopefully be publishing in the future. I hope you guys enjoy it and defitly let me know how you like it (once i get around to posting it).


@AvisInkling  thanks for saying so! After you commented I noticed that I had, embaressingly, publised the piece with several grammer mistakes. I have fixed them, but im glad that the message still got through despite the issues.


@AvisInkling :P thanks again


Haha, i have those moments allthe time. i figured you were still editing it as it was hot off the press. But yes. (Nods)


I believe my published work is a bit on the depressing side. While I do enjoy a good depressing story, I can't read four holocaust books in a row. Perhaps I'll try to take a look into some other genre's or think about lighter subject for my next poems.


Finally found time to write and was able to quickly get through the writer's block I was having with the other stories by starting a new one. If you have time feel free to take a look, and I hope you enjoy.