
          	Maybe you remember me, maybe you don't, but hi, my name is Sabine! I attempted to write some fanfiction over here (in other words, I wrote a couple of chapters, loved it, but then my attention shifted to something else and then I abandoned my stories, oops) but I have actually written fanfiction for as long as I can remember. 
          	So when I went to university and started a program in digital culture and digital media, my fangirl background has always been prominent. I have written a bachelor thesis about fanfiction, and now I am writing my master thesis, I am writing about fanfiction again. Fanfiction, beauty and face claiming, to be exact. And I am looking for people who would be willing to do an interview with me!
          	If you are a reader of fanfiction, in particular of fanfiction about singers, actors, youtubers and other public figures, and you are older than 18, you would help me out a great deal by clicking on the link below!
          	Thanks in advance!


          Maybe you remember me, maybe you don't, but hi, my name is Sabine! I attempted to write some fanfiction over here (in other words, I wrote a couple of chapters, loved it, but then my attention shifted to something else and then I abandoned my stories, oops) but I have actually written fanfiction for as long as I can remember. 
          So when I went to university and started a program in digital culture and digital media, my fangirl background has always been prominent. I have written a bachelor thesis about fanfiction, and now I am writing my master thesis, I am writing about fanfiction again. Fanfiction, beauty and face claiming, to be exact. And I am looking for people who would be willing to do an interview with me!
          If you are a reader of fanfiction, in particular of fanfiction about singers, actors, youtubers and other public figures, and you are older than 18, you would help me out a great deal by clicking on the link below!

          Thanks in advance!


          My name is Sabine van Haren, and for my bachelor’s thesis about celebrity image and fanfiction, I am looking for some people who would be open to participating in an interview. I am looking for fanfiction authors (aged 18 years or older) who are or have written fanfiction about One Direction. 
          The interview would take about an hour (conducted online due to current circumstances) and would get into further detail about fanfiction, the artist’s image, gossip and the pop music industry. 
          If you would be interested, do not hesitate to send me a message and I will get in touch with you.
          Many thanks in advance,
          P.S. Quarantine has also resurrected my intentions to write and post stuff on here, so keep your eyes peeled! I'll post another announcement once I've got everything prepped :)


I think the fact that I could not recall my password says it all. I've been gone from Wattpad for quite some time -it's been over half a year of radio silence. 
          The thing is, I just can't focus on just one thing. I come up with a story, about which I'm so excited and then I start writing like crazy until I get another idea that gets my full attention. I still love the stories I came up with for New Hope Club and I'm planning on continuing The New Roadtrip Club in summer. I think I'll read it all back, including my documents with all the background information and then pick it up where I left it. I'm kinda feeling The Red Line now and it deserves better than ten chapters. 
          Love you and thanks for sticking around


Guys, let's skip over the "hi, I missed you" and all and let's get straight into it (even though I did miss you and writing here, but well, let me just say what I wanna say). 
          The past few weeks have been insanely hectic. I've been handing in papers for uni, stressing out about exams and actually studying for them and that completely drained me. I just felt so uncreative and not motivated to write. The thing is, if I post something here, I just want it to be the best I can post and for the last two months, I just didn't get to do that because of all the stress and chaos of uni. I already warned you for this, but I just wanted to say that YES, I AM CONTINUING THE RED LINE AND MY NEW STORY FOR MY FAVORITE PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET THE NEW ROADTRIP CLUB. Just saying. The new updates will most likely come by the end of next week or maybe the week after. I'm not sure, but things will slow down soon and then I'll write my ass off because I'm so excited about my stories hahaha
          Okay, enough rambling, I'm nearly home and I'll go and hit the hay. 


Hi, it's me again,
          I know it's been a week since I last posted a chapter and I just wanted to let you guys know that it'll probably take some time before I'll be able to upload a new chapter. To be honest, I haven't even started the next chapter.
          University is just consuming so much time, with all its deadlines (literally, I could kill some of my professors. They think it's funny to announce a full-blown presentation two days before it's due. I think it isn't and it freaks me the f out) and I just don't have the time to write. It doesn't mean I'm not continuing The Red Line, in fact, I wish I had more time to write on it bc I love it so much and I really want to tell this story (there's still so much to come!). I will return in something like a week or two or so when things have settled down at uni again, so I hope you'll be patient with me and that you'll stay with me for when the next chapter comes.
          Okay, enough of my complaining about uni and basically disappointing you, I'm out.
          x Sabine


Hi guys,
          I just quickly wanted to say that I'm having some problems with Wattpad at the moment. Whatever I try, I cannot enter anything in the text area when I want to write a new chapter. As this is quite essential, I'm not sure when I'll be able to post a new update. I'm very sorry about this and I hope to figure out how I can fix it because I've got this chapter in my head since I've been in Stockholm and I really really REALLY want to write it down now ughhh.
          So stay tuned and I hope I'll annoy you with a new chapter soon (;
          x Sabine