
I just got into Sherlock Holmes (I know, I'm late to the party) and I kinda wanna do a marauders era muggle au cross over with johnlock


I want to write an Avatar the last airbender and ninjago crossover!!!!!!!! And I don't care what anyone says, it's gonna be my world so kai and cole might have something happen, I just don't know how to build it yet. Hehehehehehehehehehehegehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe


@NewWriterEmerges I need to go rewatch ninjago


Okay people. Here's the deal.
          I've had severe writer's block for the past year and 5 months. I am slowly getting all my motivation back. I am going to try and rewrite all of my stories because they're really depressing in parts and I don't like that. I want the same angst for certain characters, but at the same time I feel like if people were to read it it would make them cry or feel depressed like if you were to listen to depressing music.
          So I'm rewriting them. Very very slowly. I will post an update when I have the first book of Half-bloods and Wizards up. I will also be rewriting my short stories including Military Boys In Love. Stuck in Hell has been cancelled. It's not happening. It was a bad idea and I'm not continuing with it. 
          I'm sorry to those of you who wanted to see where that was going, but it was okay for me to write that and I can't justify continuing it at all.
          I might also make a new account, but... IDK. I doubt it. Only because I don't wanna lose any of the followers I have because I'm really happy to have you all in my life.
          Thank you all for being patient with me and not disappearing just because I haven't updated in forever.


@NewWriterEmerges You're amazing!! Take your time A we are all here for you xx


 ✨Post✨ This✨On✨The✨Ten✨Nicest✨ Peoples✨Profiles✨If✨You✨ Get✨One✨Back✨You✨Are✨ Special✨
          ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ Doing this because you are Amazhang People and friends
          A friend always


I don't know what to do. I'm freaking out. School is shut down, the state might be shutting down, and I can't do the things I need to do to be a whole person. I can't become an adult, I can't get my Learner's Permit hours, I can't do ANYTHING and it's LITERALLY killing me. I can't go to school to see my favorite teacher or any of my friends and my teacher isn't responding to my messages and AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I HAVE TO BE STUCK IN THIS HOUSE FOR FOUR AND A HALF GODDAMNED MONTHS


@NewWriterEmerges so am I just for different reasons so I'm here if you need 


@NewWriterEmerges text if you need anything.  Even if it’s help in a subject.  History is my area but science and literature I’m good at also.


@JibbJibbJibb yeah, here too, and I really hope it does.


Shout out to my good friends Zeke and Charles! If anyone is interested in watching people play videogames, then you should check them out on Twitch! 
          Zeke is WingDoesAThing and is open to any game but is currently playing Dead Cell, Grand Theft Auto Online, and Stardew Valley.
          Charles is It'sNeonNight and is currently playing Pokemon, Skyrim, fallout 4 and 76, Rust, Sims 4, modern warefare,  the outer worlds, Minecraft, and is willing to buy any games that are suggested.
          They're both amazing people and deserve to be able to achieve what they want.


          To everyone who is reading stuck in hell, listen up!
          I'm very uncomfortable with the content of that story. I don't want to have to tell people to read my stories with caution, or not to read that one particular story because I'm not proud of it. So- solution.
          I am going to rewrite it on paper, unpublishing what I have written so far, and I'm going to republish it when I have a few more chapters written. If you try and look back at the story, don't freak- it'll be back. I don't know when, but it will.