Finally managed another chapter! Ha, kidding! I have so much material to sift through in front of me, and it's all drafted (and quite badly at that!) https://www.wattpad.com/1234527510-new-elysium-weapons-of-war-book-2-echoes-out-of But here is the next chapter. I'm in the middle of Write To Rank and Jam Festival Writing Challenge but these will start coming. Other new changes... I will be at some point changing the title of the story to New Elysium: The Salvation Code as I somehow wandered into that direction instead of my initial "Weapons Of War" plan. I still plan on getting into that aspect of the New Elysium story but there's still quite a mess to go through and then clean up on this end. And not to mention Neo-Tokyo starts rumbling... The whole situation... so many notes. Thanks for sticking with it so far! ~ @Red_Leasia