
Have any ideas for stories you'd like to read? Comment and let me know, I'll start cooking up some fun adventures :D


Pokémon? You mentioned that once before... Or another movie you might enjoy?


Wow. Forgot this app existed lol, but I'm sort of back, for now. I've had a ton of things happen, college getting in the way and all that. 
          But going back and reading the things I've published, I am positively *embarrassed* lmao, I was in middle school when I started this account, and in high school I completely forgot about all of the WIPs I had, but I'll keep updating as promised. 
          If you notice my writing style change, it's because I'm almost twenty years old now, and have taken many creative writing and rhetorical analysis classes. Hopefully my writing style isn't too jarring, but that things start to make sense now lol
          How many of you remember my stories? 
          Let me know which works I should pay closer attention to, because I have no clue what people are into these days lol 
          Have a great day, all :)


Maybe you could work on the stories with the most views? Or stories that are near finished?


U gonna be honest, I completely forgot about all of my WIP on this app. College stuff getting in the way, you know how it is. 
          Anyway, I WILL be getting around to it all, just might take some time.


@News_Man00 Not to seem pushy, but I hate cliffhangers.


@MarisaNeu I will work on it 


@News_Man00 Please do more of Heartless [Anti/Jacksepticeye]xReader?


Pardon me but, are you going to continue your Toothless x Reader book and Jacob Black x Reader book? I've been so into those books and I only found it recently. I was wondering if you were gonna continue updating your books because I legit can't stop reading them over and over.