Also on another note, my body is the weakest it have EVER been. It's even hard to type right now (but ofc I'm still going to do it, lol) The doctor said that I can't have the surgery until my cracked rib has healed a little bit more, but my body is KILLING me! I'm so sore, and I just want to get out of this place. Yes, I have a lot of my stuff around the room but it just isn't home. And at home I felt secure, here I feel very insecure about everything. I HATE the doctors examining my body all the time. It's just so uncomfortable, and I get very self conscious. I have been in the hospital before, for my lungs. They had something wrong with them (I can't even remember what had happened, I was like five) But this is SO much worse. This hospital is just driving me insane! I feel trapped in these walls, like I can't get out. Some of my friends didn't know my birth gender, and when they came to visit me they found out. They weren't upset at all, but it's not how I wanted them to find out. So now they know, and they said they'll always be there for me if I need to talk, but I feel like I'm going threw this alone. I feel like I'm going threw everything alone right now. Nobody understands my gender problems. Nobody understands my health issues, mental and physical.
I just want the world to stop. I want it to be put on pause. When I'm in this place all day everyday it's like the world hasn't changed at all, and yet life keeps going on. Like Queen Elizabeth II died?! I didn't even find that out until the 11th, it's like I'm living in the old ages were I don't know anything that's happening around the world, lol.
Sorry if that was long, I just needed to rant.