
Your more then welcome. I meant to follow you ages ago @cerebral_1 


@WrittenInMyDarkHeart Hi lovely. From my knowledge every single uni course involves at least some form of assignment ;). However i didn't do A.H in highschool, instead I did modern because nearly all my courses clashed. Therefore i honestly cant say if its harder. How my course (and many others) works is that you get to choose up to four subjects a semester. Each semester consists of 13 weeks in my uni with a two week break somewhere around the middle. The subjects in my course range from archelogy to ancient latin, and many studies into diffrent fields. Say if i was to choose to do a subject on egyptians, there is about 20 choices on them to choose from. That being said the ancient languages and archeology based courses are my favorites as I want to go into a pure archeology degree offered by my university for msters degree. 
          I hope this helps xx


Hahaha I guess so ;) Thank you so much for taking the time to tell me all this information. Its very helpful :) 
            Most of my friends have chosen to study Modern but I prefer Ancient like you. Its just really fascinating - going on archaeological digs sound really exciting too. The Egyptians and Romans are my favourite area of study. Anyway, I hope everything works out with your degree. Good luck x


Hello :) 
          Thank you so much for following. I appreciate it a lot. I saw in your profile that you're from Australia and studying Ancient History. I'm from Australia too! I'm not studying AH in uni as I'm only 16 but I do study it as a subject in high school. 
          Is the subject harder in uni? Does it mostly involve assignments? Sorry, I'm just really curious about it haha. Anyway, thank you again, You're incredible :) 
          ~Arenelle xoxo