
Hey guys, I know it's been a rough couple of days and I know it was definitely not the results most of us were hoping for. I'm not an American myself so I don't really have any place to say something on this matter but I want you guys to know that my page is and always will be a safe space for everyone. I hope all of you are doing as well as you can during this. My posting schedule will not change and I will continue to try and put out content everyone can enjoy. That's all, have a good day/night you guys❤️


@Nexus_Void Even if you're not an American if you ever need anyone to talk to I'm always here ♡


Hey, I just wanted to ask about Frenzy. It appears like some of the chapters are posted out of order? It goes 28-32-34. I didn't know if you were aware or not, and thought I would send a message about it. Everything about Frenzy is a great story, and I love seeing updates! <3


@AshPaig3  Hello! Don't worry, everything is still in order. I just started adding some chapters together to make them longer but thank you so much for letting me know because I forget to fix the chapter titles a lot before I post them. And thank you so much for your support on the book, I hope you have a great day!


Happy New Years! 4 days in, one of our dogs had to have surgery and I broke my thumb. Amazing year so far. How's everyone else's going? (Good news please )


@Nexus_Void No real last year was going so quickly and this year is so slow. Last week was like torture it went by so slow


@YouthPastorQ  Girl, this year is going so slow it feels like we have to be in June or whatever (I'm so sorry about your dog and thumb, hope it gets better!) And happy news years!


Hello happy Merry Christmas! I just found your story Frenzy and I'm going to read it so I just wanted to say Hi to you.


@Nexus_Void Yeah and happy new year to you too! I'm almost done reading frenzy I only need two more chapters left.


@Raspberry_gal Oh goodness, thank you so much! I seriously have to look at my conversation board more often cuz I forget about it :') I really appreciate that and I hope your Christmas was amazing, and have a very happy new year! 


You're a really great writer. I can't wait to read more of your stuff


@Nexus_Void it's more than alright! I'll be sure to keep checking for updates


@YouthPastorQ  Thank you! Also sorry, I don't know why haven't seen this until now but I'm excited to put out more content for everyone to read :)


Hey guys, I know it's been a rough couple of days and I know it was definitely not the results most of us were hoping for. I'm not an American myself so I don't really have any place to say something on this matter but I want you guys to know that my page is and always will be a safe space for everyone. I hope all of you are doing as well as you can during this. My posting schedule will not change and I will continue to try and put out content everyone can enjoy. That's all, have a good day/night you guys❤️


@Nexus_Void Even if you're not an American if you ever need anyone to talk to I'm always here ♡