@Neyread Welcome back!! Please don't feel guilty, your wellbeing and fun is more important than anything!! Reading should be something fun, not something to feel guilty about!! I'm glad to hear that you're doing well, and I hope you had fun in England!! :D
If you feel like you need to take a break from reading, there is absolutely no problem with that, so please dont apologise!! I'm sure I won't be alone in saying this, but your mental (and physical!!) health is much more, WAY more important than any story ever created, so if you feel as though you want to stop, or just take small steps with what you're interested in, then that's perfect!! As you said yourself, you need time for yourself, so whatever makes you feel happy, go with it!!! I, along with many others, will still be here whenever you feel like coming back,(absolutely no rush!!!) So take all the time that you need/want!!! <33