Omg!! Christmas is in 1 week!!!! And I've been working on My Teen Story and as a warning, it is going to be different. I feel like the old version was just... bleh. So I spiced it up added in more details and brought things up that I was going to save later. I will post a chapter on Christmas Eve as a early present and on Christmas as a Christmas gift. I hope you like it and if you don't, let me know. I really don't want this version to suck so if it does tell me so I can fix it. I can take criticism, I'm a big girl. And while other authors take all of it and say they don't appreciate it and that you'll get deleted and stuff, I like to hear it. Some criticism is good for learning but if y'all are attacking, that ain't criticism. That's just hurtful. Anyways, back to the matter at hand, My Teen Story will be back up soon!!!