
          	I would like to apologize for my absence! The story will be coming to an end in the near future! College had gotten a bit overwhelming and I was struggling to make time to finish it! I have made progress with the storyline and am excited to announce that I will start uploading new chapters in the coming weeks!! Thank you again for all the support you have shown my story over the past year! It means the world the me that so many people have both read and enjoyed my idea! I can't wait to finish this story and begin the next story idea!


          I would like to apologize for my absence! The story will be coming to an end in the near future! College had gotten a bit overwhelming and I was struggling to make time to finish it! I have made progress with the storyline and am excited to announce that I will start uploading new chapters in the coming weeks!! Thank you again for all the support you have shown my story over the past year! It means the world the me that so many people have both read and enjoyed my idea! I can't wait to finish this story and begin the next story idea!


Avatar: The Return of The Songbirds will be ending on its one year anniversary, so be prepared for lots of updates in the coming weeks! Thank you for all of the love you guys have shown my story over the past year! It makes me emotional thinking about how many people have read, liked, and saved my story. This is my first time ever releasing something I was proud of and every single one of you made me feel so happy! We will be saying a very short goodbye to the Ungan family!
          And I hope everyone is ready because 2024 will be bringing a new story. Say hello to the Runga family!


I want to give the BIGGEST thank you to everyone that had added my story to their reading lists! And who have voted on my chapters! You all have made this experience of posting my ideas for the first time so amazing! I appreciate each and every one of you!


Good morning or good evening everyone! I hope you are all doing amazing today! How are you guys liking the story so far? Is it alright? I love input, so if you have ideas feel free to let me know :) they may just make their way into the story they fit!!