
Happy Birthday to myself! I've now turned 19 this year yet still single!!


The Fire Bird lives for only a millennium and returns from the ashes after three days of its death, with the help of the mystical blue flame. Its life is at stake, for being hunted and used for the ability it has in its blood. Loyalty and respect for them is diminishing until none of them is left alive.
              “Προσέξτε τα λόγια από μένα, προς τους ίδιους τους Κυνηγούς. Το Πουλί της Φωτιάς δεν συγχωρεί, γιατί η εκδίκησή του θα κάψει τη ζωή μέσα σας μέχρι το Θάνατο!”


          Hello to my dear readers, I'll need to postpone posting my stories for now due to exams nearing and I need to write down notes that I've missed due to my 3 days of sickness (I hope I don't get removed at school..). I'll try to post when I get a chance after the exams.


Morning/Afternoon/Evening to my dear readers, I'll be slow to update due to school, homework and house chores. However I'll try to post as much as I can when I have free time.
          Drink water, get enough sleep and take breaks from your phones/computers/laptops from time to time! 
          Love you readers!