Hello! Good Morning and good evening! How are you? I hope you are well!
I have a question! We all know that Kouyou didn't do very well when Kyouka left the Mafia, she was very angry and upset about it!
So, seeing how the relationship between the reader and her developed a lot throughout the chapters, one helping the other, we see Kouyou even helping the reader to find himself when she threatened him a little because he was being too aggressive (After Dazai left the Mafia.)
Seeing that now Kyouka has left the Mafia and Kouyou will be a little irritated by this, this time it will be us (the reader) who will help her?
Seeing as the reader has already been through a similar situation with Dazai and the reader probably also understands her pain, not to mention that Kyouka also served under the House of the Hearth
Kouyou need some love! She is always forgotten! Thank you for your attention man!