
So I've  written a new book. I think it's going to be good. If u still want me to write Tragic Love Affair, tell me, just give me four more people and I will keep it alive. 


 I can not tell u how happy I am that u like it. This is the first thing I have written and people say, writ what u know. And even though I have a lot of other ideas (which I am not going to give all away at once) I wanted to talk about something I was really comfortable with and new by heart. Also new stuff is happening every day. Dean and Jessica, well let's just say there story is just benign.  Also shout out to izztickle and Emma__grace2001. U guys r the best. 


-N. Forgot that part. He he. 


This is really good, you can tell its rral life and it really helps being able to relate to the story xxx


I know I just met u but seeing ur taste in books makes me think u r a awesome person. I am definitely going to check our book "don't say u love me". Looks cool. 


Ur the best Em. Can't tell u that enough 