
I felt like updating anybody who may care that I’m working on a new project that’s actually looking really promising. I tend to start something and keep at it for a little while and then my attention will fizzle out and I’ll move onto something different, but with this I’m actually making some progress. It’s made me notice that I need to change my mindset, as for a while now I’ve been really scared to just sit down and write, and anytime I have I’ve just been really judgmental of myself, and I never think anything is good enough. But that really isn’t for me to decide, which is what I’ve realized. It’s up to whoever has chosen to read it. 
          	I’ve been getting so much inspiration lately, and a genre I’ve always wanted to write in, but just never had any ideas that I though we’re good enough for, is the post apocalyptic genre. I know, it’s probably my niche, and mine alone, but I’ve always been so interested by it, and then I thought ‘well hey, what if one guy just trying to survive met another guy trying to survive and they decide to survive together and fall in love?’ 
          	So yeah, be prepared (or not, I’m that unreliable)


@Niacurr it sounds promising!


@bearrrrrnsb I look forward to writing it I think I’ve got a solid plan for it I’m really excited can’t wait until I can publish it!!


I felt like updating anybody who may care that I’m working on a new project that’s actually looking really promising. I tend to start something and keep at it for a little while and then my attention will fizzle out and I’ll move onto something different, but with this I’m actually making some progress. It’s made me notice that I need to change my mindset, as for a while now I’ve been really scared to just sit down and write, and anytime I have I’ve just been really judgmental of myself, and I never think anything is good enough. But that really isn’t for me to decide, which is what I’ve realized. It’s up to whoever has chosen to read it. 
          I’ve been getting so much inspiration lately, and a genre I’ve always wanted to write in, but just never had any ideas that I though we’re good enough for, is the post apocalyptic genre. I know, it’s probably my niche, and mine alone, but I’ve always been so interested by it, and then I thought ‘well hey, what if one guy just trying to survive met another guy trying to survive and they decide to survive together and fall in love?’ 
          So yeah, be prepared (or not, I’m that unreliable)


@Niacurr it sounds promising!


@bearrrrrnsb I look forward to writing it I think I’ve got a solid plan for it I’m really excited can’t wait until I can publish it!!


Can’t believe it’s 2024. Like seriously nothing even feels real anymore. I think I need medical help I’m having such genuine trouble comprehending this. Anyways, happy new year I guess. Hope you are all extra gay and girly pop this year! 


Is it psychotic to think it’ll be easy to right five separate POVs, all of fully developed main characters? I mean they’re siblings, so it can’t be that hard, right? Ok well maybe it’s not. Because how am I supposed to make each one unique? They’ve all gotta be different or else the story is just going to be a whole lot of bland with a side of bland and extra bland. 


I have this really cool idea for a story and I honestly am so excited to write it, but that’s just it isn’t it. I literally have no clue even how I’m going to write it. I’ve tried a couple times already and have had to just scrap everything because honestly nothing feels right. Maybe it’s because I haven’t really written in a while? I’ve been taking a break, which I’ve kinda needed, but I want to come back. I dream of putting out weekly updates like I used to. Where did that motivation ever go anyway? I honestly don’t know when I lost it, but I’m hoping I can eventually get it back. Anyways, don’t expect anything, but I’m actually so serious when I say I want to make this thing in my head a reality. I’m just not exactly sure how yet. Does that even make any sense? Idk maybe my calling in life is just to ramble aimlessly. 


@Victoria1Vastey  His name is Sebastian and thank you for asking that it’s actually kinda helped me feel better somehow 


What’s your main characters name.