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holy shit..
ohmygod no no no you've got to be fucking kidding me
no you can't be dead alright? I'm truly sorry but I refuse to believe it!
Jolene you were one of my best best friends. I just can't even believe it I'm sorry.
Shit, I'm crying now oh god.
ok so um I was never really good at these kind of things..y'know the whole "saying bye" and stuff. In fact, I'm probably the worst person to do these kind of things. There are people who have so many nice things to say to you and then I'm just here with a shitty goodbye but whatever lets get on with it.
Jolene I remember when I first started talking to you. I was asking you if you liked a bunch of bands that I really liked and you said yes to all of them. Idk I just felt like I had made a new best friend since every time I meet someone who likes a lot of the things I like, I love to hang out with them a lot. (And I mean a LOT). I remember when I explained to you how I was obsessed which Gerard and you said, and I quote, "I'm not okaaaaaaaayyyy" in a way of referencing one of MCR's songs. And then there was that time where your keyboard was broken and instead of writing Mr.Way you wrote Mr.Yow and we had been calling him that as an inside joke of ours ever since. And then that last conversation we had where you told me what video everyone was freaking out about since I didn't know. I never really expected that conversation to be our last. And..idek what to say anymore. I just really really miss you, Jolene. If their was a way I could bring you back, I would. *Frank voice* Trust me.