Um...Hello beloved readers
Oh god this is a horrible feeling. Feeling like i've disappointed thousands of people. I've read all your messages and just want to nope right back to where i've been hiding for the past year. But I can't do that any longer, you all deserve an explanation, and maybe an update in the future.
First of all, I'd just like to tell you guys that there is a very very good reason that i've been inactive for so, so horribly long. And i'm sorry that i've just all but up and left this story hanging in the dark like that.
To that, i'd like to tell you guys that i've also been losing major interest in One Direction. They are still such a huge part of me, and I do still love them, but i've had a slight change of heart lately and I had to quit fanfiction and even Tumblr to focus more on what was and is more important right now. And that is my health and future.
I won't and can't go into detail, and to that i'm sorry. But please trust me when I tell you guys and it's been very very distressing and important that I focus more on that.
On a brighter note, I will--with no garuntees--continue attempting to finish Iridium. My other stories, I apologize, but I simply cannot continue them. I don't even know where I wanted to end up with them to be honest. Iridium at least has a solid storyline that has been implanted into my mind forever.
So if any of you have any questions, anything at all, please feel free to ask, I will answer anything at all for you guys, even answer story questions about Iridium. As an apology...
I absolutely adore you all, so very much. Please stay dedicated to everything you love, and continue smiling.