its best not 2 get involved with pretty harsh and will only end up hurting u...last nite...yea..that was just the surface of my anger...u REALLY don't wanna get caught up in that...
its best not 2 get involved with pretty harsh and will only end up hurting u...last nite...yea..that was just the surface of my anger...u REALLY don't wanna get caught up in that...
wow that was cheesy...but cute..its nor raining tjo...its pouring nd bf is on here...he lives 1/2 way across the country. weve nv met. yet hes the only person who can stop my from cutting and hurting...no1 else cares
u not 2 sure about that..shes addicated 2 narcotics..she smokes...shes just...shes not...idk..shes not gonna get better at this rate..she refuses help... my dad died 2 years ago when I was 10...a week after mothers day and a couple weeks b4 his birthday
its...its kinda my way of expressing my feelings...U c...I don't cry..or talk 2 ppl about my I started the book...I also have my hate book 4 that..but its not upodatng so...
don't sweat doesn't boter mom..well...shes nv really been there 4 me..but..shes gotten worse in the last month...and thx...I mit take u up on that...but only once ive gotte my pgone back so I can talk over PM
My mom..she um...she lives in a split house with her bf...she ignores me...she gave me 2 my grandma when I was 1. my book why I said it...the last chapter explains it