Hey I'm Kelsey! I love to write so read my stories!!! Here are some things about me:
~I love to dance, write, sing, act, do gymnastics, cheer (flyer), swim, shop, etc.
~I love One Direction, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, The Wanted, etc.
~Follow me on instagram: @kelsey2223
~My older sister has two accounts on here: sydrohoran and sydsydloves1D! Fan her! Both accounts have amaZAYN books!!!
~I'm best friends with baylee_renee and starburstgirl11 So fan them!
I'm thinking about co writing a story with my sis sydrohoran23!
Message me or chat me! I would love to talk!
FAN ME!!!!!!!!!:D
~Kelsey xx~
  • St. Louis, Missouri
  • DołączyłAugust 10, 2012


Dzieło autorstwa Kelsey